If you don't need help with paperwork but just want a document , website etc, translating, I can do this for you.
For example, I have recently translated:
A few hundred descriptions of apartments to rent in Paris
A dozen or so academic papers for publication in scientific journals
A screenplay
50 or so diverse websites and articles
Press releases
Various marketing materials
Letters and emails for my clients
In the case of websites, I can either edit directly online, depending on what site you use, or I can translate just translate the text for you to format as you wish and upload to your site.
My prices start at €0.04 , i.e. 4 cents per word for simple documents
Perhaps you have a meeting to attend, need to have a discussion with a neighbour, want to visit to the gendarmerie etc? I can come and interpret for you on a one-off basis, without being involved in trying to sort out the overall situation.
I can also interpret over the 'phone. For example, if you are out and have a problem communicating in a shop, government office etc, you can call me, explain the problem, and I will speak with the person on your behalf.